Posted on April 28, 2022April 28, 2022 by Amy Dallman2022 Employee AcknowledgementPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.I hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of UCP’s Employee Guidebook.I agree to read it thoroughly within the next 14 days and to seek clarification from the human resource director, supervisor or overseeing director regarding any policy or provision that I do not understand. I understand that this guidebook states UCP’s policies and practices in effect on the date of publication and should not be considered all‐inclusive. Further, the language used in this employee guidebook is not intended to create a contract between UCP and any one or all of its employees. The information contained in this employee guidebook is presented in summary form as a matter of information only and may be changed at any time, with or without notice, as policies and practices are evaluated, amended, or terminated. Such changes will supersede the previous written and verbal policies, as they exist. I understand that I must refer to the version of the guidebook located in the UCP policy folder on the UCP shared drive for the most current and up‐to‐date version of all topics or can request a copy from the human resource director. I further understand that UCP is an “at will” employer and as such, employment with UCP is not for a definite period and may be terminated at the will of either UCP or myself, with or without cause, and without prior notice. Only the Board of directors has the authority to make any agreement to the contrary and that any such agreement must be in writing and signed by the Chairperson of the Board and the employee. The final decision on any question regarding interpretation of UCP’s policies rests with the executive director. I understand it is my responsibility to read and understand the contents of this Employee Guidebook.I acknowledge that in line with UCP’s electronic communications policy that my communications on UCP owned systems may be monitored at any time without further notice by UCP. I also agree that any UCP owned property that I take off premises become my responsibility to replace or repair should it become damaged, lost, or stolen, unless covered by UCP insurance. Confidentiality of all UCP information in my possession, including the information of its clients, will be safeguarded by me, and only shared with those on a need‐to‐know basis in the course of my duties.I understand it is my responsibility to read and understand the contents of this Employee Guidebook in its full extent. This signed form acknowledges that I have received a copy of the United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Dane County Employee Guidebook dated January 2022.Electronic Signature *By Checking this box and typing my name below, I am electronically signing this form.Please type your full name: *Today's Date: *Email *Submit