
Through UCP’s Respite Services, we encourage families to renew their energy and support their overall resiliency in caring for a family member in their home who has a disability. Respite enables families to receive support in connecting and establishing meaningful relationships with qualified care providers. Through these connections, we empower parents (or other family members) to take a break from their daily care responsibilities. Additionally, our services support children and adults with disabilities by helping them build interdependent relationships outside of their own family and increase opportunities for meaningful and active engagement within their community.

We offer families a unique and trusted alternative to traditional respite models where the family often must recruit and employ their own care providers. At UCP, we employ qualified staff to provide limited-term care for children and adults with developmental disabilities while honoring each family’s desire to self-direct their services to the highest degree possible.

Key elements of our Respite Service provision include: recruitment, background checks and screening, general training, support and payroll. While we remain the official employer of all respite providers, families are empowered to lead or self-direct their services to the highest degree possible and/or to the extent in which they feel comfortable. This includes decisions on who provides care in their home, scheduling of respite providers and supplemental coaching and training for respite providers.